News — Events

Post Medieval Faire

Posted by Tadd Lyons on

Post Medieval Faire

It's done! The biggest event we have had to date, and one of our most successful stalls. As the gates opened Saturday morning, an excited couple ran to our stall, eager to try on a bunch of costumes and get themselves kitted out. We didn't have a break in the shoppers until the council volunteers finished herding the last few people from the site on Sunday evening! Now that Blacktown is done, we turn our focus to Winterfest Medieval Fair . We have counted the majority of our stock back onto the website, but are looking to place another restock order for all the items...

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Blacktown Medieval Faire & Update

Posted by Tadd Lyons on

Blacktown Medieval Faire & Update

It is with great excitement that we am happy to announce Adventurer's Bastion's attendance to Blacktown Medieval Faire!  We look forward to joining one of the largest medieval festivals in the country, in what is shaping up to be a massive opportunity for The Bastion. This opportunity is not without it's challenges, and we have had a few obstacles to deal with on the leadup, which is something we wanted to address here. Firstly, The stock inventory management within Shopify broke for us, attending an event in which we were unable to track our sold stock meant that the quantities on the website...

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